If you need radiant heat, you've come to the right place.

Val 6 KBE5S
KBE5S’ state of the art combustion chamber enables virtually 100% fuel to energy conversion. This translates to clean, odorless, smokeless operation and, more importantly, fuel savings.
Impervious to nature’s elements (wind, rain, and snow), the KBE5S is able to transfer infrared heat directly to the object without any loss of heat or air movement.
Safety features include a tip over sensor and an overvoltage detector.
RADIANT HEAT – Heat penetrates evenly like heat from sunlight.
OUTDOOR USE – VAL6 is not affected by wind, unlike forced air heaters that suffer from heat loss in the ambient air.
HEAT TRANSFER – VAL6 generates infrared heat directly to the object without any air movement creating a dust-free comfortable environment.
ODORLESS – A clean combustion system produces no odor or smoke while running.
ENERGY SAVINGS – VAL6’s state of the art combustion chamber enables virtually 100% fuel to energy conversion.
Plenty of heat without too much of a breeze.
Wouldn't it be great if you could heat a space and not have to deal with fans or oscillating wind storms? Well, now you can with our KBE5S!
Val 6 Daystar

With its advanced technology, the Daystar brings you both “infrared heat” and “forced air heat” by adopting a dual heating system.
The Daystar with its well-honed technology is perfect for spot space heating in a large open area.
Weighing only 40 pounds, the Daystar is ultra portable and can be used virtually anywhere you need to stay warm, indoors and out.
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY - “Daystar” provides perfect heating with its well-honed technology for spot space heating in a large open area.
HIGH EFFICIENCY - The “Daystar” will usher in a new era of high efficiency ‘oil fired’ space heating with 100% heat recovery from the oil burnt.
DUAL HEATING SYSTEM - The “Daystar” expands the “VAL6” world by adopting the dual heating system of radiant heat and forced air heat.
VERSATILE - Every “VAL6 series” oil heater can be operated by diesel (#1) or kerosene.
ULTRA PORTABLE - Weighing only 40 pounds, the Daystar is ultra portable and can be used virtually anywhere you need to stay warm, indoors and out.
Radiant Heat - Clean, Odorless, Smokeless
Radiant heat travels in a straight line, unlike hot air, it is unaffected by wind or cold ambient air. Heat penetrates evenly just like heat from the sunlight. Since infrared heat can penetrate the object, the targeted surface and object are warmed and/or dried in a uniquely different way from any conventional heater which utilizes heated air.
These heaters are great for use in wash bays, warehouses, outdoor events and sidelines, for curing concrete, heating at a construction site, warming sewers for work crews or even heating animal pens.
Hotsy Carlson Is Your Source for Industrial Shop Heaters
Hotsy Carlson carries a broad range of industrial shop heaters that work in every space. You might need more heat toward uninsulated walls or doors or where leaks let in cold air and less toward the center of the warehouse. A different heater might be best for outdoor applications. Choosing the right heater for your space keeps employees comfortable and saves on energy costs by heating only the areas that need it.
If you’re living or doing business in Texas, you know about extreme temperatures. Keeping a reasonable and safe temperature for employees throughout work areas and large warehouse spaces is a challenge when temperatures dip to or below freezing.
Industrial Heaters for Every Need
Every workspace, warehouse, or other large space is different, so Hotsy heaters come in a broad range of heater types for various applications that run on different fuel sources. Our heaters are radiant or infrared(which mean the same thing) and are ideal for the following diverse applications:
High school and college-level sports teams, locker rooms, and sidelines
Industrial warehouse spaces
Paint drying
Wash bays
Outdoor events
Constructions sites
Animal pens
Radiant Heat
We carry industrial heaters that operate using radiant heat. Radiant heat is extremely effective for these applications because it travels in a straight line and wind or cold ambient air don’t affect it.
Radiant heat uses infrared radiation to generate warmth, which heats walls, floors, and people without having to heat the air first. You get instant warming with multiple benefits:
Penetrates evenly
Effective even in wind
Energy efficient
Emits no air stream
How Does a Radiant Shop Heater Work?
Radiant heat transmits electromagnetic waves to objects in a room, which absorb the heat, warming the space. There is no need for the objects to have direct contact with the heater. The radiant heat comes from an infrared radiant energy source.
Some diesel radiant heaters are called infrared and others are called radiant. The difference between an infrared shop heater and a radiant shop heating is a matter of temperature. Both emanate from infrared energy, but radiant has a longer wavelength with temperatures in the 150-degree Fahrenheit range, and infrared has a longer wavelength with temperatures around 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Radiant heat is ideal in situations where forced air or baseboard heat isn’t practical, perhaps because furniture or materials are in the way. It’s great for offices, or by windows. Infrared heat is ideal for outdoor areas, large warehouses, and loading docks.
How Does Convection Heat Work?
Convection heaters are the types of heaters you might be familiar with for your home. They operate by moving air over a heating element and blowing it into an area.
When you place a heated object in water or air, molecules that touch the heated object expand, moving up and away from the object. Cooler molecules sink, contacting the heat source. As they warm, the same cycle repeats until all the air reaches the same temperature.
This type of heater typically comes with a thermostat and/or timer so you can set them up to heat a space before people arrive in the space.
Why Is Radiant Heat More Effective than Convection Heat?
Radiant heaters warm materials faster than convection heaters. People or objects absorb the electromagnetic waves they emit, and the waves convert into heat. Radiant heat is directional and isn’t affected by the substances it moves through. The waves move straight ahead and skin, furniture, and clothes absorb them, quickly creating heat. This makes them more energy-efficient than convection heaters.
A convection system has to heat all the air in the space. Warm air rises, so it has to be pushed back down again to effectively heat the space. Air isn’t the best heat conductor, so convection heaters are slower than radiant heaters since they have to warm all the air until the room has a consistent temperature.
OSHA Guidelines
People are comfortable at different temperatures, so OSHA does not give a particular temperature at which a facility must be kept. The agency does, however, hold employers responsible for providing workers with a place of employment free from recognized hazards, including cold stress.
The conditions that can occur from cold stress include the following:
Hypothermia – when body heat escapes faster than it can be replenished and body temperature dips to less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit
Frostbite – when skin or underlying tissues freeze, particularly feet and hands
Trench foot – when feet are exposed to wet or cold temperatures, circulation in the feet shuts down and skin tissue begins to die
Which Heater Do I Need?
When it comes to deciding on a heater, it’s important to invest in the radiant shop heater that’s right for your application. Choosing the correct type and fuel source goes a long way toward a heater’s effectiveness.
Hotsy Carlson offers a broad range of Val 6 heaters to suit every industrial shop heater need.
VAL6 Industrial Space Heaters –Our portable VAL6 heaters for sale deliver efficient, dependable radiant heat. They run on kerosene, fuel oil, or #2 diesel and transfer even heat unaffected by wind. Most models generate practically no air movement, so they’re ideal in an area that has to remain smoke- and dust-free. Using only a third of the fuel of conventional heaters, these heaters run up to 15 hours per tank.
Hotsy Carlson has the expertise to assist you in choosing the best heater for your space. We serve North Central Texas from our locations in Killeen, Austin, and Bryan. Our friendly customer service representatives are available by phone to discuss your heating needsand provide a quote. Contact us today or call us at 800-776-8310.

Hotsy Heaters for Sale
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